Alive at Night says… GOODNIGHT :’(
In 2014, Alive at Night began with the motivation to bring fresh, innovative and well-written critical opinions to the scene. What started as a passion project soon flourished into one of the most respected and notorious media outlets in Hard Dance music. We were never afraid to speak the truth (even at the expense of hurting butts) and we retained our ethics and benchmark quality in each and every article.
However, after three and a half incredible years, I am devastated to announce that Alive at Night is knocking off to sleep.
The reason? Life happened. For the past year, I have been working for an excellent company in Hard Dance music, in a dream position. From the beginning, I’ve been determined to give all of my passion, creativity and energy into my job, but of course, this came at the expense of taking some things off my plate too. Alive at Night was one of them. I am still going to be heavily involved in Hard Dance music with my current job, so of course you will still see my ‘work’ floating around, and also downing wine at festivals. This music is still my passion, and my decision to close the AAN doors is in no way, shape, or form, an indication that I have left the scene.
Anyway, I want to keep this goodbye short and simple. I’d like to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone who has ever been involved with Alive at Night since 2014. To the writers, web nerds, camera guys, designers, advisers and anyone else who contributed to the project (you know who you all are) – it’s been a pleasure working with you all! Furthermore, another THANKS to all of the artists, organisations and fans, who believed in the project, read our content and gave us overwhelmingly great feedback. It’s been a crazy and incredibly turnt ride and it’s paved the way for some great things for myself, and also for my talented and devoted team.
In the coming weeks, we will publish our final two articles. One will be an Intents Festival review written by Stijn and the other a little personal article from myself – so stay tuned 🙂
Love Cassi & the AAN team!