We had the honor to attend “Home Of Hardstyle” last weekend and ran into the wonderful guys from Audiotricz, who are currently signed on Scantraxx. Léon and Kenneth were so nice to take some minutes for a quite amusing interview and we talked music, spiders, Australia, collabs and more!
So right now I’m standing here wiiiith…
L: …the one and only Audiotricz!
So how did you like “Home Of Hardstyle”? How’d you like it?
L: (shoves microphone in Kenneth’ face)
K: (laughs) I have to do the first question? I think it’s really cool to surround yourself with cool people , your fans and a room with a lot of people who like Hardstyle! We also played a little set. Some euphoric tracks, some new tracks… the people really liked it, so that’s cool!
Did some fans walk up to you and say ‘Hi’ here?
L: The people are coming in and have a drink and then seem scared to talk to you, but I think everyone can hang out with everyone here though!
Concerning Audiotricz right now, what’s happening?
L: What? Music or gigs?
I’ll ask you about music and him about gigs!
K: We have a new track coming up with Wildstylez and are planning on another one, so that’s really cool. We just premiered a remix we did for R3hab – Soundwave on slam.fm, a national radio station, and we’re also working on a new solo with we hope to finish before HardBass! It’s a little harder, but I’m really digging’ it! So I’m curious how the fans will react, because normally we’re kinda euphoric and this is a bit more hard.
L: Especially for HardBass. Just for HardBass!
So HardBass is coming up, where else can we see you guys this year?
L: Well we can’t tell you too much about summer, but a lot of gigs we didn’t play last year! Just watch our socials and stay updated!
K: Yeah but we’re also really looking forward to Australia! We’re going to be in Australia in about ten days, we have two shows there! At first Melbourne, with Noisecontrollers a good friend of ours, and then to Sydney as well. So that’s pretty amazing and really cool! I’ve never been in Australia before, so I’m really excited!
L: I think he’s been a Kangaroo in another life.
K: (laughs)
Are you two afraid of spiders?
L: No.
You should be.
L: My girlfriend is. I always have to take the spiders away. I’m not. (pauses) We’re men. (pauses) We’re cool. (pauses again) And not afraid of…things.
So you’re Audiotricz and not afraid of anything?
L: Yes. No.
K: No.
L: Actually I’m a bit afraid of height.
Should we be afraid of you guys?
L: Yeah! Have you seen his muscles?
K: (flexes) I’m training a lot! (laughs) Nah, I don’t think so.
L: But there’s music coming up!
K: There’s gonna be some really cool music, a lot of collaborations which we still have to keep secret. I think 2015 is going to be quite our year!
Anything else you want our dear readers to know?
L: Are you afraid of spiders?
L: (pauses) Ok.
(everybody starts laughing)
Well thank you guys for the interview!
L: Thanks!
K: Thank you!