Around 2016, it became evident that a massive album ‘revolution’ began. Now, just three months into 2017, we can tell that this album mania won’t be stopping anytime soon. E-Force will soon release ‘The Edge Of Insanity,’ Phuture Noize’s ‘The Pursuit Of Thunder’ is around the corner, and Sub Sonik’s ‘Strike One’ has just dropped. Adding to this list are the likes of B-Front and High Voltage, and even so, we’re sure that numerous other artists are planning on releasing albums this year.
A week ago, Psyko Punkz announced that he too will come with a new album, titled ‘Wietse.’
I hear you say: “Wietse?” Yes, ‘Wietse’. A humble Dutch name as the title of this album. I freaking love it. No offence to all the other album titles out there, but it is so refreshing to hear something simple, a title that does not want to drench itself with ‘coolness.’ Wietse. Simple and classic.
Always feeling the urge to persuade your friends to give Hardstyle a listen? There’s not many ‘beginners’ who would be too eager to listen to something that sounds so dark it’s likely ghost-produced by Darth Vader. Instead, just hand them over this album called ‘Wietse.’ How can you say no to Wietse? It simply sounds too good to be true. God probably called those naked baby angles ‘Wietse’ and whispered with a high voice while pinching there cheeks: “could you send this message to the people, Wietse?” Everyone wants to listen to that shit.
Psyko Punkz himself stated that he first wanted to name his album ‘Fuck The Fame’. The problem with this title is that everyone could have come up with it. It sounds tough. It sounds cool. It sounds dark, with a tinge of anarchy. Basically, it sounds like everything else in Hardstyleland nowadays…
Wietse is perfect. Not because it sounds so classic and therefore is a refreshing from all the coolness and toughness in the scene. Wietse is perfect because it brings what everyone in this scene longs for. No over-the-top dark kicks which make sound every track like the one before. No Hawaii-like euphoria that they play at the mainstage of Tommorowland. Wietse is going to bring you simple, plain, pure Hardstyle. “Hardstyle that brings a smile on your face”, as stated by mister Psyko himself.
Let us hope that this album is going to bring the needed refreshment in the summer of 2017. I cannot wait till I see ‘Wietse’ on the screens at the stage when Psyko Punkz is spinning the wheels. I will be there. Front row. Screaming ‘WIIEEEETSSEEEE!!!’ till my lungs run out of air.
Wietse… Plain and perfect.